What Our Gym Offers


Our members describe it as the perfect blend of strength and conditioning; we call it Functional Training!

This class is shaking up the fitness industry and challenging the norm with a fitness formula you’ve always wanted.

With tracking, testing, and transforming from the inside out, this coach-led one-hour workout will take you from average to extraordinary… if you’re ready to DO. THE. WORK!

Run, row, ride, and rep it out using barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and more. The energy in the room is absolutely electric!


Lift is our low impact weight training aka strength training portion of class. Lift is a combination of progressive overload and power to build, control, and increase one’s muscle mass. Strength is the foundation of all fitness and will help with your overall look and body as well as performance in and outside of the gym. 

Nutrition Coaching

Proper Nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits are the foundation of your fitness and wellness. With so much information on dieting and nutrition, it can be really overwhelming to figure out what approach is right for you. We want to make this process so easy that you can sustain this for years and finally say goodbye to that up and down yo-yo battle.

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